showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
The Lord of the Rings: Online Trading Card Game  Worlds Apart2004 archaicearth arda cardbased cardbattle collectiblecardgame collectibles earth lotr osx osx-2 uchronia uvl-tiein labelminimizeminimize
PoxNora  Sony Online Entertainment (Octopi)2006 cardbased cardbattle collectiblecardgame collectibles osx labelminimizeminimize
Desperate Gods Wolfire Games2012 cardbased dice randomchance unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Northmark: Hour of the Wolf Rake in Grass2012 cardbased demo steampowered labelminimizeminimize
Ironclad Tactics Zachtronics Industries2013 alternatetimeline cardbased comiccutscenes errorreporting grid grid-square mp-cooperative northamerica robots steampowered timedturns usa usagereporting labelminimizeminimize
Card Hunter Blue Manchu2015 achillesheelfoes acid adobeair adv-static amoeboids bloodless burning cardbased cardbattle chapterreplay charging classbased collectiblecardgame combatanimals consistentdamage damageovertime damagetypes demons dicemechanics diorama draganddrop dwarves elves enemyhealthdisplay equipmentabilities equipmentbased facing flash freemium friendlyfire gambling goblins grid grid-square hazardouspowers indie inventory knockback levelselection magic medieval meleeweapons microtransactions monsters mp-matchmaking mp-spectating mp-versus mystics namegenerator osx osx-7 polearms postcombatrestoration randomchance sauroids singleactionturns skeletons sorcery steampowered subscription tasteofpower tooltips tutorial tutorial-interactive undead xp-deeds labelminimizeminimize
Space Food Truck One Man Left Studios2016 3ormoreplayers alphafunding cardbased cards collectiblecardgame download mp-cooperative space spacecraft steampowered labelminimizeminimize
Cultist Simulator  Humble Bundle;Weather Factory (Weather Factory)2018 activepause blankprotagonist cardbased crowdfunded genderneutral gog steampowered timemanagement unseenprotagonist labelminimizeminimize